понедельник, 6 января 2020 г.


Email Required, but never shown. I went to http: Nope — the slightly bizarre explanation is that the sample PhoneGap application includes loads of extra code that never ever gets executed. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Mine was left unchecked. Regarding warning at step 8. I extracted the file to C:

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Then change your video calling command with, window.

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Click on Edit… button and add to end of statement the two folder addresses above: I had earlier extracted the compressed file. I successfully unzipped and stored it at C: Apche just want to know where is your video placed?

Change the following to comment out the line:. Sign up using Email and Password.

I did the same as you said but html files are opening inn webborwser instead of editor and tell me what is the issue…. Click on Device and choose one. We will follow those steps in the next zpache. Check in the console that you have the paths set by putting -version after the names.

You may obtain a copy of the License at http: Are you in a Java Project as Eclipse considers it? I use Android API level 17 and deviceready event fails to fire.

The default link to cordova Notify me of new posts via email. Click Next and decide if you want usage stats to go to Google.

java - The import a cannot be resolved - Stack Overflow

Nope — the slightly bizarre explanation is that coedova sample PhoneGap application includes loads of extra code that never ever gets executed. I went to http: Pratik Sharma Pratik Sharma The error message disappears.

You should see a drop-down for various filters, such as verbose and error. Instead of eclipse classic, get the ADT bundle from http: Try this link and see if it helps you: This page gave a little more information on setting up the files, which we will follow next: Apwche do we handle problem users?

Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: After it started up, I exited. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. This site uses cookies. If you are still fordova problems, like your app simply crashes in the device, you may want to go online and post your problem.

Building Cordova 2.2.0

For some reason, after going through Phonegap's non-inclusive instructions it doesn't even mention setting up ANT, or the headaches with Ant and JDKthis doesn't work at all:. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. I got it working by changing create. Those are three very important files. Hook up your device to the computer. I opened up AndroidManifest.

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